Pro Preferences
The Pro preference pane allows you to configure options for the Pro Upgrade for MultiMarkdown Composer.
Regular Undo -- Follow normal behavior in macOS -- if you Undo several changes, and then type something new, then the Undone changes cannot be Redone.
History Mode Undo -- Advanced Undo functionality that allows you to Undo/Redo through the entire history of the document, even after you have made other changes.
Undo Coalescing -- Control how edits are grouped for Undo/Redo steps. If turned off, then Undo will step through each character. If turned on, then Undo will step through edits grouped by word/sentence/paragraph.
Tab key indents selection instead of replacing with
-- When you select text and hit the Tab key, then indent the line instead of inserting a tab character. -
Maximum levels in ToC Sidebar -- Limit the maximum depth displayed in the ToC sidebar.
Enable automatic text expansion -- Expand shortcuts into longer text whenever they are typed. Learn more here
Require space or punctuation for expansion -- Require one of these characters after a shortcut in order for it to be expanded.
Preserve delimiter after expansion -- If a delimiter is required, don't delete it after performing the text expansion.
Synchronize themes, CSS, and expansions between devices -- Keep these files in sync so that your customizations can be used across machines.
Custom Key Bindings -- Modify the
file to customize the keyboard shortcuts for menu bars and to add your own custom macros to Composer. More information here.