TestFlight beta for Composer expired?
Dear Fletcher,
I have just noticed that the TestFlight beta for Composer for iOS has expired; was that intentional — nothing more to be tested for now? Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
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1 Posted by loukas on 14 Jul, 2019 02:48 PM
Thanks Enrico, me too
Support Staff 2 Posted by Fletcher on 14 Jul, 2019 03:25 PM
Thanks for the comment -- it was not intentional.
There were a couple of issues that bugged me about the iOS build:
There are a couple of issues with the UITextView that don't happen on mac with NSTextView. These are much improved with the new codebase I developed over the last 8 months or so that is being tested in nvUltra. It has been doing well with beta testers, and is probably ready to be put into Composer for iOS. I've just been really busy with day job for the last couple of months, and trying to keep up with the schedule Brett and I set for ourselves on nvUltra.
Search doesn't work properly. I used Apple's Core Search (Spotlight) for the iOS app. And frankly, it's a bunch of crap. Search is unreliable. Which is a big issue. I wrote my own search engine, also being used in nvUltra, and it seems to work quite well. So I also need to plug this into Composer for iOS.
It took me a long time to realize that Dropbox has a really backwards design for handling paths. It is only partially case sensitive (e.g. sometimes it returns
and sometimes it returns/foo
when the folder is named/Foo
. This took a while to discover, and then to create a fix. Then I discovered that it also chokes on non-ASCII characters (e.g. a folder namedBücher
can wreak havoc on a synchronized folder). I think that is fixed, but needs some more testing.Recent changes in Dropbox may have big implications for how many people continue to use it. Which means that I am rethinking document synchronization strategy. iCloud is fine, but it is subject to the vagaries of Apple's spec -- there's no way to be 100% certain you have the latest copy of a specific file. This will be more of a long term issue, but it is certainly demotivating.
I still intend on getting Composer for iOS working to my standards. As above, the 3 major components that needed work have been rebuilt, but now I need to reconnect them into an app. That's going to take some time.
In the meantime, I'll release an updated "placeholder" build to keep the app in its current state.
Thanks again,
3 Posted by enrico.scarpell... on 17 Jul, 2019 07:56 AM
Thank you very much for the clarification, loukas.
And thank you very much, Fletcher, for extensively elaborating on the status and future of Composer for iOS, and for promising the release of a "new" build of it to keep us going until the next real build is ready, which will take a while by the sound of it with all those changes to be implemented...
It will be interesting to understand whether you see Composer for iOS to act as a hub for both nvUltra and Composer for Mac, and what the difference will be between nvUltra and Composer for Mac...
Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,