Beta 17 on OSX 10.12.6.
In the continued playing with the syntax, I was playing with abbreviation. I was confused by it, because I was expecting the <abbr> tag behavior, and so I didn't understand what was going on on the right-hand side. So, I cut-and-pasted. The third line on the left-hand side, to be exact. I highlighted just that line, i.e. from first to last character.
When I paste that into MMD, it crashes 100% of the time; I tried it five or six times.
I then tried just typing in the text of that third line. And when I type the final L, i.e. the last letter of the line, MMD crashes. So it's not the pasting that's the problem, it's the actual text. Maybe it's getting in an endless loop or something?
That's the bug. Now the bad behavior.
In looking at the HTML generated, it is using the abbr tag, which is what I would expected. But it's messing with my text, which I did NOT expect, and don't want.
IOW, the abbreviation tag works like this.
When I hover over that IOW at the beginning of this line, it shows me the floating "in other words".
But MMD is also inserting the "in other words" into the text itself, so that instead of reading like it does above, it now reads
in other words (IOW), the abbreviation tag works like this.
It should most definitely not be messing with our text. It should just provide the abbr tag floatover. The whole point of the abbr tag is to be able use an abbreviation and NOT have to have the definition in the text, but provide it as a floatover for those that don't know what it means.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 19 Aug, 2017 08:44 PM
I assume there was a screenshot? I definitely want to see the text that crashes things.
As for abbreviations -- they are designed to be consistent with abbreviations in other formats (MMD exports to HTML, LaTeX, OpenDocument, EPUB, and TextBundle). So the first use of an abbreviation will include the full term, which is useful for printing. Subsequent uses will only use the abbreviation itself.
If you don't want that to happen, then use the regular
HTML markup, but then your abbreviation won't work if you ever need to export to other file formats. If you only need HTML, you're golden.Support Staff 2 Posted by Fletcher on 19 Aug, 2017 08:47 PM
PS> I tried copying the lines from the syntax guide but could not make it crash.
3 Posted by Vince on 19 Aug, 2017 08:51 PM
There was not a screenshot — I said, I was using the third line of the abbreviation portion of the syntax guide, i.e. the line you reference above. And, as I also said, it crashes both on pasting that line in, and on simply typing that line. It dies when I type the final L.
Do you want the crash report it would send to Apple if I let it?
Support Staff 4 Posted by Fletcher on 19 Aug, 2017 08:52 PM
Sending to Apple doesn't help -- they only send it to developers for apps in the App Store. If you copy and paste it to me, that would help, but please send as attached text document. The formatting has to be exactly the same....
5 Posted by Vince Rice on 19 Aug, 2017 10:00 PM
I asked if you wanted it, not if you wanted me to send it to Apple. :)
It's been emailed.
6 Posted by Vince Rice on 21 Aug, 2017 04:19 AM
I never got to this…
> As for abbreviations -- they are designed to be consistent with abbreviations in other formats (MMD exports to HTML, LaTeX, OpenDocument, EPUB, and TextBundle). So the first use of an abbreviation will include the full term, which is useful for printing. Subsequent uses will only use the abbreviation itself.
I don't want that to happen, but why do I have to do something different? It doesn't matter what output format I'm using — MMD shouldn't be messing with my text without my permission. If I wanted the text in there, I would put the text in there, whether I'm outputting an e-book or a web page or anything else. I don't know why you would have MMD do that, but if you want it to do that, it should be an option.
Fletcher closed this discussion on 21 Aug, 2017 05:17 AM.