Unexpected Keyboard and Screen Display/Behavior/Black Rectangle 6 Plus
Unexpected Keyboard and Screen Display/Behavior with regard to Document Options on iPhone 6 Plus
MMD Composer Build 51 and iOS 11.4.1
My Document Options are as follows:
- Editing Options
- None selected
- Document Appearance
- Editor Theme is Default
- Preview CSS is Github
- Assistants
- All Assistants enabled except Document Preview
- Phone is in a Vertical Position
- Keyboard is deployed as though composing. Seeing this in both Compose Mode as well as Preview Screen
Tap Document Options on the toolbar
The behavior I am referring to, Black Band instead of the Keyboard seems to, in my experience, occur in one-of-two ways:
Toggle Document Preview to tbe On position and return to your document or preview
— or —-
Make any or no adjustments and return to the document and/or preview
Black Bar where one might expect to find a keyboard
A few thoughts on this:
- Trying to move the secret decoder black keyboard down does not remove the black bar - As that is the manner in which the keyboard is dismissed - one might think that would clear it up - Pressing on the compose window as though you were to begin typing/editing dismisses the Black Rectangle and generates the Keyboard
Somewhat Unrelated but Also Unexpected Behavior
Changing the Default Font Size and pressing Done seems to freeze MMD Composer
- The remedy appears to be to exit the App by pressing _Touch-ID_in order to then tap the MMD Composer App icon and relaunch
- File size depending - the Application does seem to recover
- If I recall correctly, a larger file will make MMD Composer unrecoverable withoit dismissing/ killing the app
- Uncertain how this is treated or remediated without Touch-ID
- The remedy appears to be to exit the App by pressing _Touch-ID_in order to then tap the MMD Composer App icon and relaunch
If the user has Show Preview turned Off in Document Options and Settings —> _Preview ...should the user be able to generalize a Preview pane?
Obviously Document Preview is an excellent tool. Especially as one gets closer to export. Yet sometimes, when writing or proofing a section, I liket to see the words. And I find myself inadvertently triggering the Document Preview.
Keyboard shortcuts
? | Show this help |
ESC | Blurs the current field |
Comment Form
r | Focus the comment reply box |
^ + ↩ | Submit the comment |
You can use Command ⌘
instead of Control ^
on Mac
Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 05 Sep, 2018 01:07 AM
Sorry for the delay -- "real life" has intruded on my development time lately.
By watching vary carefully, you'll notice that the keyboard starts to descend when you tap the preferences button. Before the keyboard is completely offscreen, the new window slides upward, obscuring the editor view. I think that what is happening is that when the editor is hidden behind another window, it stops receiving commands to adjust its size? The keyboard continues sliding off screen, but the editor is no longer notified of the changes. That "black band" isn't actually "there". What you're seeing is that the editor frame no longer extends to the bottom of the screen because it wasn't informed that the keyboard continued to move. The only way to notify it to change is to cause the keyboard to change again, which means to begin editing the document. It's amazing that this many years after the iPhone was created that there is not a built-in solution to iOS to handle adjusting the visible "window" based on whether the keyboard is visible or not. I'll keep working to improve it.
How long of a document are you testing this on (changing default font size)? It works fine for me, but there is a delay that goes from imperceptible to longer as Composer reapplies formatting to the entire document since you changed file size. For example, on my iPhone 6S, a 107k character document takes 4 seconds or so to reapply highlighting. That is longer than it takes for me to open the same document, so perhaps it is applying the formatting twice? But it still opens for me.
I'm not sure I follow you -- Settings refers to whether a preview should be displayed when a new document is opened. The document options refers to whether a preview should be visible right now. In either case, you can always manually toggle the preview on or off by sliding the appropriate direction. Under what circumstances do you inadvertently trigger a preview?
2 Posted by Focus on 10 Sep, 2018 10:51 AM
On Sep 4, 2018, at 9:07 PM, Fletcher <[email blocked]> wrote:
Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 10 Sep, 2018 11:40 PM
Testflight was updated. You should be able to use it.
I'll keep testing with long documents to see what I can find.
As for preview -- the settings refer to whether the preview is shown by default, and the document options allow you to toggle visibility if you can't remember (or didn't know about) the ability to swipe. Neither of them prevents you from using the preview. It will always be a possibility should you want it.
My question is what causes you to accidentally trigger the preview to happen? Is there a certain set of circumstances that occur?