How do I change the size of the rendered text?

feorlen's Avatar


04 Jan, 2019 08:56 PM

I found the option to make text in the editor pane larger, but not the rendered result. I can't use the preview pane because the text is too small to comfortably read. I'm primarily looking for a Markdown previewer, not an editor, so the ability to increase the font size is important.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 04 Jan, 2019 09:01 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    You can use View->Zoom->Zoom Preview In/Out to adjust the size of the


  2. 2 Posted by feorlen on 04 Jan, 2019 09:14 PM

    feorlen's Avatar

    Is there a way to set a zoom for the preview display? The Default Zoom setting only affects the editor. Manually changing it one step at a time every time I open a document isn't the best. Thanks.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 04 Jan, 2019 09:18 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    If you want the preview to always use a different font/scaling, the best approach would be to modify the preview CSS that you use. This would be applied to every document you open (unless you manually choose a different preview CSS for a given file).


    Fletcher T. Penney
    Manager, Founder
    MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    [email blocked]

  4. 4 Posted by feorlen on 08 Jan, 2019 03:34 PM

    feorlen's Avatar

    Thanks for the info. I wasn't able to try it, but seems like a useful option.

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