Feature Request: Support Drag & Drop of Email
Right now if you drag an email from Mail.app into Multimarkdown Composer, nothing happens. It would be nice if it inserted the message: URL referencing the email instead.
I'm currently collecting survey info, and want to keep refs to the emails that contained the response. Right now I drop the email into another app that does generate a message: URL and then paste that into my Multimarkdown Composer doc. The URL works fine when clicked in Multimarkdown Composer, which is great.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 12 Jun, 2013 08:28 PM
Your request is too specific, but turns out is simply an example of dragged URLs not being properly handled outside of file:/ urls.
So by fixing file urls, mail message urls also work.
Fletcher closed this discussion on 12 Jun, 2013 08:28 PM.