Re-open window in new pane/split view

Howard's Avatar


27 Mar, 2013 09:07 PM

I frequently work on lengthy documents, including manuscripts and books. I often find my self needing to reference other parts of the document, and it's not always optimal to use header navigation to jump back and forth. Additionally, if the doc has a table of contents with internal links that need to reference other headers (e.g., [Introduction][section-intro]), the links are not shown in the References HUD, meaning jumping from the top of the document to various parts to cut and paste internal links.

A split pane view or "re-open in new pane" that would open in place of the preview pane would be fantastic. It's the only instance wherein I'll find myself opening such files in Sublime Text so I can have two simultaneous, active views of the same file.

This may be outside the realm of possibility, or too much of a niche case, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 27 Mar, 2013 09:46 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    I looked once at what it would take to have multiple views/windows of the same document. Clearly it can be done (TextMate, Sublime), but I the little info I found was looking like more work than the payoff would justify. It's still on my list of possible features to include, but I won't promise that it will happen.

    That said, a possible, but perhaps not practical, solution is that iCloud sync works with live documents. So you can open the same document in an iCloud folder on two machines and edits from one will make their way to the other. This would allow you to open the document on two monitors and scroll the views independently. I've done this before just as proof of concept, but haven't actually used it.


  2. 2 Posted by Howard on 28 Mar, 2013 03:26 AM

    Howard's Avatar

    That was pretty much what I imagined:
    extra work --> little benefit --> few users of the feature

    so what are you using as your iCloud editor? Or do you just kind of hack by, e.g., symlink docs to the mobile/iCloud/whatever-it's-called directory and open on another machine/device from there?

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 28 Mar, 2013 11:23 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Composer has iCloud support, so I use that. The symlink approach doesn't work reliably.


    Fletcher T. Penney
    Manager, Founder
    MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    [email blocked]

  4. 4 Posted by Howard on 28 Mar, 2013 02:14 PM

    Howard's Avatar

    Wow. So I just found that directory; I had no idea it was there.

  5. 5 Posted by Howard on 28 Mar, 2013 02:44 PM

    Howard's Avatar

    So I symlinked the "Documents" folder into Dropbox, which does seem to work. I am taking the "reliably" part of your comment to heart, however, and will just test it with some trivial docs for now to see what happens. I can see how things might get dicey with this scheme.

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Fletcher on 28 Mar, 2013 06:37 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    iCloud document sync is finicky when you don't use the actual application to access and save files. Sometimes you have to coerce it to push/pull changes.


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