CriticMarkdown: highlight without comment

theofrancis's Avatar


19 Sep, 2020 02:11 AM

First, thanks for incorporating CriticMarkup into MMC. I depend on it, and FoldingText, which I have used for years, is getting ever-creakier.

However: Every time I use the Highlight Selection for CriticMarkup on selected text, I get an empty comment immediately after it. If this isn't an absolutely required part of the CriticMarkup spec, would it be possible to include an option to turn that off? I've tried un-checking the "Insert automatic comment with CriticMarkup` checkbox in the CriticMarkup pane in Preferences, but it doesn't seem to eliminate the blank comment.

While I'm at it: It would be great if you could include menu items for other CriticMarkup tags, such as {++additions++} and {--deletions--}? Then I could assign keystrokes to them, the way I have for highlighting and inserting a comment.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 19 Sep, 2020 11:39 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    The empty comment is not necessary -- just a bug in the logic detecting whether you have preferences configured to include comment or date stamp. It will be fixed in a future update. Thanks for pointing this out.

    I'll consider additional menu commands as well -- I didn't include them because I use track changes when I want to implement those functions.


  2. 2 Posted by harmonxjim33 on 16 Dec, 2020 11:50 AM

    harmonxjim33's Avatar

    I am also having a problem with Highlight Selection for CriticMarkup features and I hope that they will fix it soon. Check the [among us maps and guides]( if you are playing the spaceship game, it will help you to win the game because you are mo aware of the features of the game. If you are looking for a [roblox pc]( game then try this google chrome version of the game

  3. 3 Posted by ruairidhlegge on 16 Dec, 2020 11:51 AM

    ruairidhlegge's Avatar

    I am also having a problem with Highlight Selection for CriticMarkup features and I hope that they will fix it soon. Check the among us maps and guides if you are playing the spaceship game, it will help you to win the game because you are mo aware of the features of the game. If you are looking for a roblox pc game then try this google chrome version of the game

  4. Fletcher closed this discussion on 05 Mar, 2022 11:16 PM.

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