Resuming numbering in a list (before starting at 1. again)

vwc's Avatar


03 Dec, 2018 07:43 PM

The following is about MultiMarkDown rather than about the composer itself.

If I have a numbered list such as:

  1. line 1
  2. line 2
  3. line 3
  4. line 4
  5. line 5
  6. line 6

and then add a quote between some of the lines, eg:

  1. line 1
  2. line 2
  3. line 3

a quote

  1. line 4
  2. line 5
  3. line 6

in preview or export to another format results in:

  1. line 1
  2. line 2
  3. line 3

a quote

  1. line 4
  2. line 5
  3. line 6

I can see it is possible to do so with html code (eg, but is not ideal.

Is it technically possible to have some limited way of allowing numbering to continue (such as were a quote is inserted between two numbers)?

  1. vwc closed this discussion on 03 Dec, 2018 07:45 PM.

  2. vwc re-opened this discussion on 03 Dec, 2018 07:45 PM

  3. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 03 Dec, 2018 07:47 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Indent the quote, e.g.:

    1. foo
    2. bar
        > quote
    3. foo
    4. bar

    If you're inserting something between elements of a single list, that "something" needs to be indented. If you are inserting something between two lists, the number should start over and the "something" should not be indented.


  4. Fletcher closed this discussion on 03 Dec, 2018 07:47 PM.

  5. vwc re-opened this discussion on 04 Dec, 2018 08:29 AM

  6. 2 Posted by vwc on 04 Dec, 2018 08:29 AM

    vwc's Avatar

    Thank you very much. A longstanding issue solved...

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