Criticmarkup export?
I'm finding the Criticmarkup support in MMDC invaluable. So much so that I have started keeping a HUD open with it and using it as a todo list when editing. However, I usually am editing multiple documents in the same project and have been trying to figure out how to see all of my todos in a project in one place. I was hoping I could just copy and paste entries from the HUD or sidebar into a separate text file, but apparently copy is disabled from either of those. I suspect this is due to the nature of the windows, but I'm not sure how easy it would be to enable that.
So I guess what I'm initially asking for is the ability to copy out of a HUD or sidebar. But in the larger sense, what I would _love_ would be to have a list of Criticmarkup entries that spans multiple files, so I could, as I do now, click on them to jump to the line. I realize that this request is probably way out of scope for what you're trying to do here, and most likely far too complicated to reasonably hope for. But I figured I'd throw the idea out there, and if the interest/challenge ratio is right maybe it could happen.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 05 Mar, 2016 08:16 PM
One of the things I am looking at for the Pro version of Composer 3 will
be the ability to manage "projects" consisting of multiple files. I
can't promise anything yet, but it is something I want (which always
increases the likelihood of completion. :)
As for the copy from HUD, I'm not sure that the workflow on that makes
sense to me. How do you see it working?
2 Posted by Steen on 06 Mar, 2016 10:50 AM
Poorly :)
Basically, what I was trying to accomplish was a text file that included
the results of a search in a criticmarkup hud. By way of example: I have
a bunch of text files with stuff scattered through them saying things like
{>> @todo fix this section <<}
{++ @edits add the thing about boomerangs ++}
{>> @todo make this suck less <<}
What I was trying to do was copy and paste those to a separate txt file.
Which, upon experimentation, turned out to actually not be particularly
useful, because the primary thing the hud gets me is the ability to
click and go to that line. I actually have something set up for this in
vim using the quick fix list functionality, and if you would like more
details about how that works I'll be happy to share, but basically I get
a vim window with just that list across a directory and I can hit a key
on each line to open that file in a window at the line referenced.
As one more note toward this I will say that while I have my files in a
single directory, I suspect this is probably a bit limiting for some
people's use cases, and defining a "project" may be one of the more
interesting problems here. Maybe a tag in the yaml frontmatter? I'm
probably the only person who would find that a good idea given its
interoperability with my other esoteric plain text voodoo...