Actions with multiple selections
Hi. I like the fact that it is possible to make multiple, non-contiguous selections in Multimarkdown Composer, but it only seems to work as expected in some cases, unless I am misunderstanding the intended use.
For example, on the one hand, if I select multiple lines and then hit the delete key, all the lines delete, as expected. On the other hand, if I instead try to copy those lines, I only get the first group/line of highlighted text.
I'm particularly interested in the ability to select a number of different headings and change the level (e.g. H1 to H2 but H2 to H3 for a different but also selected header) using keyboard shortcuts. As with the copying example above, attempting to do this only applies the level change to the first selected header. This would be really useful for working with a set of headers that all change level because they're now under another header.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 20 Feb, 2014 04:59 AM
Support for multiple selections is not actually intentional. Some of it comes for free with NSTextView. I'm looking into what can actually be supported, but I suspect there will be significant limitations.
For the specific example you mention, you can use the TOC HUD to rearrange structure of multiple sections at once.
Thanks for writing in!
Fletcher closed this discussion on 20 Feb, 2014 04:59 AM.