AutoZoom and First Lines of File

loeffler's Avatar


03 Jun, 2013 11:40 PM

I am looking at the Sample Document with Metadata header and Elegant style.

I found that if I remove the metadata (and blank lines before text) and toggle auto zoom I get different wrapping of lines in the editor view. I can add just a leading blank line and the text line length before wrapping changes (again toggling auto zoom). I tried some of the other styles and got the same behavior. It looks like there is a different default behavior with respect to line wrapping if there is metadata (or just a leading blank line). I could not find any setting

Is this the intended behavior?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 03 Jun, 2013 11:47 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    You're changing the font at the beginning of the document, so you change the calculations for how much to zoom to make lines fit.

  2. Fletcher closed this discussion on 03 Jun, 2013 11:47 PM.

  3. loeffler re-opened this discussion on 04 Jun, 2013 12:56 AM

  4. 2 Posted by loeffler on 04 Jun, 2013 12:56 AM

    loeffler's Avatar

    I see.

    It is determined by the font (and font size) of the first line of the file.

    3 cases are:

    1. First line is blank, then you get the default font
    2. First line is metadata, then is metadata font which is usually the same as default font
    3. First line is a header (say # something #) which is usually the default font but larger and could even be a different font if so specified in the style file.

    I tried this different scenarios.

    I think I'll either use metadata or blank first line if I'm going to use auto zoom.


  5. Fletcher closed this discussion on 04 Jun, 2013 10:37 PM.

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