Soft Breaks and Hard Breaks

sylvaticus's Avatar


08 Jul, 2019 03:42 PM

Well…I'm back. 

Is Control+Enter the way to create soft returns in Multimarkdown (Composer)?

I want to insert three blank lines between two <li> in a list (line 1 is blank, line 2 holds the text or image, line 3 is blank). Pressing Control+Enter at the end of a line doesn't trigger a new number, but when I press Enter after the last blank line, numbering doesn't resume.

Here's what I'm trying to create:
1. First line of text.
2. Second line of text.

ⓘ Note: important information about Line 2 or <insert screenshot>

3. Third line of text.
4. Fourth line of text.

Probably another noob question which is obvious to everyone here.

With thanks as always,

PS oops, triggered HTML formatting. i'll try to undo.

  1. 1 Posted by sylvaticus on 08 Jul, 2019 03:48 PM

    sylvaticus's Avatar

    FYI, I do see that after I press Control+Enter, I can start a line number, in the above example, I can type 3 and then continue on with the automatic numbering. Maybe that's how it's done?

    When I look at the code in Marked2, it shows as ending Line 2 with a </ol> and the soft breaks are just "normal returns," and then it starts Line 3 with a new <ol> and starts the numbering at 1 again.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Fletcher on 24 Jun, 2020 05:01 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Keith -- catching up with some old messages -- my apologies.

    What do you mean by a "soft return" in the context of Markdown/MultiMarkdown? If you mean moving the text to a new line without triggering a new paragraph, then all returns are soft returns. To put in a line break, you can use <space><space><return> for Markdown/MMD, or \<return> in MMD.

    As for your list example:

    1. Composer won't resume numbering in a situation like that. But once you type 3., it will resume with subsequent lines. Alternatively, you could "shift down" the 3rd list item and then insert other text above it.

    2. You can't put something in between two halves of a list. Your example would be two lists, unless your Note was indented, and therefore a subsequent paragraph of list item #2. I think that is how you intended it, but this confuses a lot of Markdown users.

    Again -- my apologies for losing this in my inbox.


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