Changing LaTeX export

beanie's Avatar


03 Apr, 2013 10:58 PM

Hi Fletcher,

I use the LaTeX export function of MMD2 pretty extensively for Uni assignments. By default I have noticed that the tables are rendered to latex:


which frequently pushes tables onto the subsequent page even though space exists on the current. I can fix this by manually changing the produced tex doc to say:


the question is, how can I change the LaTeX exported from from MMD2 to always produce \begin{table}[h] for tables?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 03 Apr, 2013 11:49 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    (Please forgive the templates email, but I am receiving an increasing number of these sorts of messages and needed to automate the process.)

    Thank you for your message. The comment/question you have was sent to the support forum (or email address) for MultiMarkdown Composer. The question, however, is actually about MultiMarkdown and not truly about Composer. For this reason, I would ask that you send your question to the proper place.

    Some people may think this is an arbitrary distinction, but it's actually important for several reasons:

    * MultiMarkdown is an open-source program used by many people who don't use Composer. I certainly do my best to support the program and its users, but I also rely on the MultiMarkdown community to help answer questions and share their expertise.

    * MultiMarkdown Composer is a paid program, and (loosely speaking) consists of a text editor and a "wrapper" around some of the features offered by MultiMarkdown. While it's offered at what I believe to be a very low price, I still believe that people who pay for a program are entitled to support for that program. Composer is a side project for me, and not my full-time job, but I still do my best to provide prompt and useful support to users for issues related to Composer.

    I can't provide that same level of support, however, for the open-source project without help. Because of that, I recommend that MultiMarkdown related questions be sent to the proper place(s) so that everyone can benefit from the shared knowledge of the community. Some people can answer some questions better than I can. Some questions will be answered more quickly. New users can benefit from the expertise of others.

    MultiMarkdown questions can be sent to:

    * <>

    * <>

    * <mailto:[email blocked]>

    More information is also available:

    * <>

    If you have any further questions about this, feel free to reply and I can try to better help.

    Thank you for your support and interest in MultiMarkdown and Composer!

    Fletcher T. Penney
    Manager, Founder
    MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    [email blocked]

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