CSS and export format of Multimarkdown V6 Quick Start Guide
Dear Fletcher,
I was wondering which CSS and export format you used for your Multimarkdown V6 Quick Start Guide: I really like how it renders Critic Markup (please see attached screenshot). Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 20 Dec, 2018 02:24 AM
That is a PDF, which is generated by LaTeX. It gives much more aesthetically appealing results than HTML, though it takes a touch more effort to configure.
That is one of the LaTeX styles based on the work of Edward Tufte, one of the "masters" of visual display of information.
Fletcher T. Penney
Manager, Founder
MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
[email blocked]
2 Posted by enrico.scarpell... on 20 Dec, 2018 05:07 AM
Dear Fletcher,
Thank you very much for the prompt reply and helpful clarification. Now I know why it looked so pleasantly familiar — at first I thought the style of your guide had been inspired by how Robert Bringhurst's The Elements of Typography is typeset, so I wasn't too far off... Thank you again for graciously satisfying my curiosity.
Best regards,
Fletcher closed this discussion on 03 Jan, 2019 05:56 PM.