Metadata for "abstract" in MMD6

maria's Avatar


26 Jan, 2018 07:28 AM


as far as I see, there is no abstract meta data in Multimarkdown 6, is that right?

I wonder, how I could fill my Latex file with an abstract?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 26 Jan, 2018 03:28 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Abstracts don't necessarily fit well into the metadata framework. An
    abstract may (possibly) consist of multiple paragraphs, and would
    certainly be expected to contain other markup (italics, footnotes, etc.)

    My initial approach would probably be one of the following:

    1. Use a separate heading for the abstract, and then modify the LaTeX
    output by hand to turn that section into an abstract. This would be
    easy for a one-off, but time consuming if doing it many times.

    2. Write the abstract as text without a header between the metadata and
    the body of the document. Include raw LaTeX commands before and after
    to define the abstract (`\begin{abstract}`, `\end{abstract}`).

    3. Put the abstract in a separate document, and process it using MMD's
    "snippet" option. Put the filename for this document in the metadata.
    Modify the LaTeX support files used by MMD (e.g.
    mmd6-article-leader.tex) to set the abstract to the contents of that
    file. This would be a more reusable approach, but it would take a bit
    of time to set up the first time you use it.

    Overall, the second option is probably the easiest.


  2. 2 Posted by maria on 27 Jan, 2018 12:40 AM

    maria's Avatar

    (2) is a straightforward and widely applicable solution.

    Coming from Pandoc, I was focussed on abstracts as metadata.

    Thanks and best wishes,

  3. Fletcher closed this discussion on 08 Feb, 2018 02:35 AM.

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