Where do custom styles go in v3 beta?
Putting them in the Styles folder (the one that opens from the Prefs window) doesn't seem to get them to register on the Styles menu.
I seem to have gotten it to work by putting them in /Applications/MultimarkdownComposer/Contents/Resources, and using the extension ".theme" instead of ".style." Is that what we're supposed to be doing?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 20 May, 2015 06:42 PM
Information about v3 Themes is in the MMDC Help in-app. Just search for
2 Posted by self on 20 May, 2015 09:36 PM
Assuming by "Help in-app" you mean the doc I get when I select "MMC Help" from the Help pulldown, I searched for "theme" and attached is a capture of what I got. I am using Version 3.0b33 (33)
Can I assume that I am not putting my style in the right place, even though it works? Or making some other damn fool mistake?
I don't want to interrupt your work on the beta. But I also want to be able to use my preferred styles ... and want to contribute it to the community as very small piece of additional value.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 25 May, 2015 12:42 AM
If you read the help, it tells you the proper file extension and location, as well as shortcuts to get there (via the preferences).
Putting them inside the application will technically work, but they will be removed when you upgrade to the next version.
Fletcher T. Penney
Manager, Founder
MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
[email blocked]
4 Posted by self on 25 May, 2015 01:22 AM
As I mentioned in my prior message, I am not able to find any reference to themes in the in-app help. I attached a screen capture of the result of searching for "themes" in the help file. I also looked in the online help. I know I'm missing something obvious.
So, for the next person who has this question, the folder that opens when you click the "open themes folder" in the preferences seems indeed to be the right one so long as you use the extension ".theme" for your folder, not ".style." That folder is:
~/Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown Composer/Themes/
If that's wrong, I trust that Fletcher will correct me. Thanks.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Fletcher on 25 May, 2015 12:23 PM
The first item in the search results is "FAQ", generally a good place to
look for what might be a frequently asked question. ;)
Fletcher closed this discussion on 10 Dec, 2015 11:31 PM.