auto zoom screen flicker new documents

tim89531+mmd's Avatar


08 Jun, 2014 06:17 PM

Sometimes when auto zoom is on, (although I cannot reproduce it reliably) the window flickers between different zoom levels after i type a certain amount of text in a new document. When i turn off auto-zoom, the problem goes away. I don't get the problem with existing documents.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 08 Jun, 2014 07:35 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Thanks for writing in — sorry you’re having trouble.

    That’s unusual. The Auto Zoom function is called once when the feature is enabled on a given window, and then isn’t called again unless the window or editor pane changes sizes (e.g. toggling the preview on/off, making the window bigger, sliding the divider between the editor and preview, etc.) or related settings are modified (desired line length, font size, style sheet, etc.)

    Typing alone is not sufficient to trigger the auto zoom code. It calculates an “ideal" line length once, and then sticks with it unless the available space changes.

    My suspicion is that there is something strange about the documents (e.g. a “gremlin” character, usually introduced when copying from a Microsoft product and pasting), but I’m not sure exactly how that would cause the problem without more information.

    Why do you say that the window is flickering between different zoom levels? What exactly are you seeing? I ask because, as above, the auto zoom routine is not called repeatedly, so it doesn’t make sense that the actual zoom level is changing. I suspect something else is happening that you are interpreting as a zoom event.

    **Unless** you have a third party app that is interfering in some way (changing fonts, adjusting windows, etc.)

    Once you save and reopen a troublesome document, does the issue go away?


  2. 2 Posted by Chick Foxgrover on 06 Sep, 2014 06:33 PM

    Chick Foxgrover's Avatar

    I had the same issue for the first time yesterday. Basically the the document seems to be zooming off and on continuously and you can't edit the document. I turned off auto-zoom with a document open and it left the compose window in an state with about a 60 pixel left margin and about 60 pixels of the copy on the right side "under" center border. Reopening the doc, now with auto-zoom fixed that.

    I had about 5 documents open when it first occurred and since I do move from editor to editor as I'm learning, I don't know whether the problem only occurred in a document originally authored in MMD.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 04 Dec, 2014 07:49 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    The Auto-Zoom functionality has been rewritten for a future version of Composer that should fix this issue.

  4. Fletcher closed this discussion on 04 Dec, 2014 07:49 PM.

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