Unable to launch MMC

potsky's Avatar


14 May, 2014 09:39 AM

Hi !

MMC has crashed alone without any action of my own (I was browsing on Safari). I cannot open it anymore.
I have reinstalled the last version, same problem.
I have uninstall MMC with CleanMyMac (all files everywhere on HD).
I cannot reinstall the App Store version and App Store ask me if I want to buy it again...

Installing last version does not work too.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 14 May, 2014 07:00 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    I'm sorry you're having trouble launching Composer.

    If the app won't launch, then it's generally one of two things:

    1) Corrupted preferences. See the following link for instructions to be
    sure you delete the *proper* preferences:


    2) A corrupted file that the OS is telling Composer to open each time it
    launches. This is unusual, as all known "crash on file open" issues are
    currently resolved.

    Are there any messages in the Console log related to Composer that
    indicate the source of the problem?

    Have you tried rebooting your computer? I have noticed occasional
    preference ("defaults") related issues on OS 10.9 that require a reboot
    to resolve.

    I can't help with App Store issues you're having, unfortunately -- those
    have to be managed by Apple, since I don't have any access to the App
    Store except as a customer myself. If you have already purchased
    MultiMarkdown Composer version 2 from the same iTunes account, you
    shouldn't have to purchase it again. It should show up in the
    "Purchases" tab in the App Store applications and you can redownload it
    from there.

    BTW -- which version of MultiMarkdown Composer were you using?


  2. 2 Posted by potsky on 15 May, 2014 04:16 PM

    potsky's Avatar


    I have rebooted my computer and I can reinstall the App Store version.
    I then quit the AS version
    I download last version
    I copy it in Applications
    I launch and it crashes
    Here are Console logs :

    15/05/14 18:11:30,895 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[173]: (com.multimarkdown.composer.mac.131856[537]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
    15/05/14 18:11:31,003 ReportCrash[539]: Saved crash report for MultiMarkdown Composer[537] version 2.6.9 (53) to /Users/potsky/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/MultiMarkdown Composer_2014-05-15-181131_potskymac.crash
    15/05/14 18:11:31,057 UserNotificationCenter[541]: *** WARNING: Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSWindow is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications. Use convertRectToBacking: instead.
    I use version 2.6.9.


  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 15 May, 2014 05:42 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Can you email me the crash report as an attachment?

    Sent from my iPhone

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Fletcher on 15 May, 2014 05:55 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Btw. Without seeing the crash log my guess is that error is related to corrupt preferences. MAS version and direct download versions are identical but use different preferences.


    Sent from my iPhone

  5. 5 Posted by potsky on 16 May, 2014 07:53 AM

    potsky's Avatar


    I have executed these lines and result is the same :

    rm -rf "~/Library/Containers/com.multimarkdown.composer.mac/Data/Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown Composer"
    rm -rf "~/Library/Containers/com.multimarkdown.composer.mac/Data/Library/Preferences/com.multimarkdown.composer.mac.plist"
    rm -rf "~/Library/Containers/com.multimarkdown.composer.mac/"
    rm -rf "~/Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown Composer"
    rm -rf "~/Library/Preferences/com.multimarkdown.composer.mac.plist"

    Please find attached crash report.

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Fletcher on 16 May, 2014 10:23 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Thanks for the crash report.

    I'm guessing your Mac is set up as a non-US system in terms of numbers (eg you don't use numbers like $1,000,000.67)

    If that's true, try deleting just the preference plist files (as you did below) for BOTH versions of the app. But BEFORE you run either version reboot your Mac. After reboot launch the direct download version first.

    There's a strange issue with 10.9 that makes it difficult to delete preferences sometimes and I bet you were never able to actually delete prefs despite doing everything correctly.


    Sent from my iPhone

  7. 7 Posted by potsky on 16 May, 2014 01:00 PM

    potsky's Avatar

    Congrats, it works !

    Thank you.

  8. Support Staff 8 Posted by Fletcher on 16 May, 2014 05:28 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Glad to hear it. This bug with 10.9 can be tricky, since it's not
    immediately obvious what's going on.


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