HTML comments with [ ] within MMD Footnotes: parsing issue?

Shane's Avatar


03 Apr, 2014 01:34 AM

Hi. The following code is not compiling as I expect (nor is the syntax highlighting working as expected), though perhaps I am misusing the syntax:

The main sentence.[^Sentence 1. For example, <!--\citet{Smith2011}--> argue something <!--\citep[cf.][for additional discussion]{Smith2012}-->. Another sentence.]

The intention is to have an MMD footnote with some LaTeX citations, the second of which needs the square brackets because of the additional arguments. The syntax highlighting, and I assume the actual processing, fail at the opening bracket of [cf.].

The output target is LaTeX, obviously, so I believe using the HTML comments is the only way to have citations within footnotes.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 03 Apr, 2014 01:50 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    You can't nest brackets inside a footnote like that. Use a regular
    footnote instead of an inline footnote.


  2. 2 Posted by Shane on 03 Apr, 2014 01:54 AM

    Shane's Avatar

    Ah, I see. I guess I thought that anything inside of an HTML comment was ignored, including brackets, but I can just do a LaTeX footnote (or a regular footnote, as you said). Thanks.

  3. Shane closed this discussion on 03 Apr, 2014 01:55 AM.

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