What is 'Preview with "Marked" when new window is opened' supposed to do?

kemer.thomson's Avatar


31 Jan, 2014 04:22 PM

First of all, I'm using the latest of both: MMC 2.6.7 (51), Marked 2.2 (820) Mac OS 10.9.1

If I check Preview with "Marked" when new window is opened

  1. Marked does not open automatically
  2. If Marked is already open, it does not preview
  3. Either way, I can't get Marked to display the contents unless I drag the file icon at the top of MMC down to the Marked icon.

So, I fail to see the value of this selection. Am I missing something?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 31 Jan, 2014 07:25 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    There seems to be a problem with your system.

    Have you tried rebooting?

    Is marked called "Marked"?

    I'm assuming it doesn't work when you use the menu command to Preview in Marked?


    Sent from my iPhone

  2. 2 Posted by kemer.thomson on 31 Jan, 2014 09:42 PM

    kemer.thomson's Avatar

    Fletcher (and Support staff),

    Thanks for the quick response. You were right: for some reason "Marked.app" was named "Marked (805).app.” Sorry, I wouldn’t have noticed that in a million years.

    Since I have your attention: "MultiMarkdown Composer”, especially in conjunction with “Marked”, is my vehicle for writing. Moving to MultiMarkdown was an important step, and I have used numerous editors, mostly Byword and BBedit, and I think almost every one that provides some level of MMD support, but you really built a better mousetrap.

    Best regards,


  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 04 Feb, 2014 12:24 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Thank you for your comments. Creating a text editor specifically for Markdown/MMD was my primary goal, rather than an editor for which MMD support was an afterthought (almost every other editor out there.) I believe it makes a difference, and it seems that you and many others agree.

    Glad all is working for you now!


  4. Fletcher closed this discussion on 04 Feb, 2014 12:24 AM.

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