When opening a pre-existing .md file for the first time the edit window opens at double width

Jonathan Moore's Avatar

Jonathan Moore

11 May, 2013 07:38 PM

I've switched off 'display preview when new window is opened' (I use Marked for all preview duties) but when opening a pre-existing .md files for the first time the edit window opens at double width. This only happens on files that you open for the first time. Once you've resized the edit window to your personal preference the MMD C remembers those dimensions and window positioning on all subsequent open's.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 12 May, 2013 03:15 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    I'm not sure what you mean by "double width". Whether the preview is on or off doesn't determine how wide the window is.

    Composer remembers a default size/position for new documents. It also remembers size/position for documents that you open in the app.

    It sounds like you need to customize the size for an unsaved document and then close it?


  2. Fletcher closed this discussion on 12 May, 2013 03:15 PM.

  3. Jonathan Moore re-opened this discussion on 12 May, 2013 04:57 PM

  4. 2 Posted by Jonathan Moore on 12 May, 2013 04:57 PM

    Jonathan Moore's Avatar

    Afraid to say this isn't the case. I've found that even documents I've previously edited in MultiMarkdown Composer are getting opened at the default width on occasions (double the maximum 72 character width I've set up in the preferences).

    Because of the my maximum character width I like to keep my Markdown editing window to a maximum of approx. 650px (based of using 14pt Consolas as my preferred font), that way I can postion my Marked preview window (using my custom CSS) beside it.

    I have Marked set up as my default program for opening all Markdown formatted files (and mapped CMD-E to open MultiMarkdown Composer files within Marked). This is personal workflow but most of my Markdown files reside within my NValt research database so I'm often looking to view old .md files rather than edit or create new ones. I have however mapped a keyboard shortcut through Alfred to instantly open .md files in MultiMarkdown composer.

    I've owned MultiMarkdown Composer for a while now but only recently moved over to using it as my main Markdown editor (I also own and use Ulysses, Byword, Sublime Text & BBedit). I'm fully aware that MultiMarkdown Composer is meant to remember a default size/position for new documents (based on the last open document) but it erratically goes back to the install default sizing & document positioning. This behaviour happens on every occasion I open an existing .md file for the first time in MultiMarkdown Composer but it even happens occasionally with documents I've previous edited within your program (at least in the latest 2.2 release candidate, which I need to use because previous versions are not compatible with PopClip).

    I hope this makes more sense now.

  5. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 12 May, 2013 05:04 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    I'm not sure I'm following you.

    Can you send a video?


    Sent from my iPhone

  6. 4 Posted by Jonathan Moore on 12 May, 2013 05:35 PM

    Jonathan Moore's Avatar

    I'll send some screen grabs based upon specific use case scenarios to [email blocked]

    I'll sequence the screen grabs as user journeys into a powerpoint presentation if that works for you.

  7. Support Staff 5 Posted by Fletcher on 12 May, 2013 06:23 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Whatever is easiest for you.

    I think I just need to see what you're describing to understand it better.



    Fletcher T. Penney
    Manager, Founder
    MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    [email blocked]

  8. 6 Posted by Jonathan Moore on 12 May, 2013 06:51 PM

    Jonathan Moore's Avatar

    Just sent it too you.


  9. Support Staff 7 Posted by Fletcher on 12 May, 2013 08:24 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar


    Thanks for sending the screenshots.

    The images you sent me showed two different documents in Composer. I guess I still don't understand what you believe to be working incorrectly. Each document has it's own saved window position. Moving one document, then opening a different document will not automatically result in the both windows appearing in the same place unless they have been saved that way.

    For example, one document can be saved such that it always opens in the left upper quadrant. Another can be saved so that it uses the right half of the screen when opened.


    Fletcher T. Penney
    Manager, Founder
    MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    [email blocked]

  10. 8 Posted by Jonathan Moore on 12 May, 2013 09:08 PM

    Jonathan Moore's Avatar

    I totally get the point you're making but the default window dimensions is based upon having the internal HTML preview visible. Surely if you provide a preference to switch off the internal HTML preview you should be able to set default window dimensions to reflect the lower 'real estate' requirements of the edit window. For instance BBedit has a setting under the Windows menu to save the default window size and positioning. However, much as I love BBedit (and Sublime Text for that matter) for HTML & CSS tasks they both pale in comparison to MultiMarkdown Composer for editing Markdown formatted files.

    My Markdown documents are originated by multiple applications across multiple operating systems so it's extremely tiresome to have to resize and reposition the window on every .md document that I open with MultiMarkdown composer for the first time.

    I really do believe MultiMarkdown Composer is the best Markdown editor available on the market (alongside the brilliant but ultimately flawed/buggy FoldingText) because of how much you can customise the experience to your own specific workflows. Things like the syntax highlighting, TOC panel & the inclusion of CriticMarkup make it invaluable to me. Nonetheless I really do believe the Windows behaviour to be less than ideal. You provide such a wealth of customisation options so surely you could put the user more in control of window behaviour too.

    Considering you already provide the options to limit the number of characters per line and the ability for the user to switch off the internal preview engine by default, surely the edit window should also reflect those changes too.

    Apologies if my observations appear to go against the UX strategy you've put in place for MultiMarkdown Composer but the editor window behaviour in BBedit, Sublime Text & FoldingText is definitely more suited to my workflows and dare I say it for anybody who likes to keep multiple windows open when using MultiMarkdown Composer (for the Marked preview application or any other relevant reference material that happen to have open in say a web browser).

  11. Support Staff 9 Posted by Fletcher on 12 May, 2013 10:17 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    I still think we're not understanding each other. Everything that I "hear" you asking for already exists. But maybe I'm not understanding you correctly.

    Composer doesn't set the default window dimensions based on having the preview visible. There is a built-in default window size (there has to be something as a default the first time you run the app.) But as soon as you create a new document, resize it, and close it (without saving) for good measure, you have reset the default window dimensions.

    New documents will observe this window size, whatever it is. You can change it as often as you like.

    Composer also keeps track of window sizes for saved documents, so each saved document can have a custom position/size. Unsaved documents use the default size/position.

    I guess I'm not clear on what you want different about the behavior. Once you start using it, you choose the window sizes, not me. You like tall thin windows? No problem. Short, wide windows? Go for it. Square windows? Fine. Composer's got you covered. I only vaguely even remember what the built-in window size/position is, because I never see it anymore, unless I wipe out my preferences to try to track down a difficult bug. Then I reset what I like, and never see the built-in default again.

    For example, I use Optimal Layout to help adjust window dimensions across all applications since I got a higher resolution monitor. So I configured Composer to default with windows that take the upper right 1/4 of the screen (using Optimal Layout to make sure I lined it up properly, but that is not a necessary step). Some documents I keep open together, so I move one to the left upper 1/4. Now I can open both documents and they appear side by side. Documents that I want to live preview while working on take the top 1/2 of the screen so I get lots of space.

    If you want to "forget" all window sizes for saved documents, you can delete the app preferences and start from scratch.

    Again, I believe Composer can already do exactly what you've said you wanted.

    What it *doesn't* do is change the window size when toggle the preview on/off. I can see where such a feature might be useful, but I suspect no two people would want it to behave in the same way. And at some point, I think a dedicated window management app will do a better job with such fine tuned control (e.g. Optimal Layout, Divvy, or something similar). My suspicion is that reinventing the wheel to implement similar features would be unnecessary and would distract from working on things intrinsic to Composer.


    Fletcher T. Penney
    Manager, Founder
    MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    [email blocked]

  12. 10 Posted by Jonathan Moore on 12 May, 2013 11:01 PM

    Jonathan Moore's Avatar

    I think we're definitely at cross wires here. And I'm sure this conversation thread is as frustrating for you as it is for me! :)

    I've been using your application for a while now but I've only in the last week made the decision to use it as my main Markdown editing application and that's why I've been focused on reporting any behaviours that I find strange. This week alone I've created or edited over 100 documents with Composer and I feel pretty comfortable with all of it's customisation options.

    The key behaviours I've observed with regard the main interface window are as follows:

    1. If I create a document in Composer the application remembers the window size & position the next time I open that document.

    2. If I create a new document, Composer positions and sizes that document at the same size and in the same postion as the last document that I had open.

    3. If I open a Markdown document created with another application for the first time in Composer, it forgets the size and dimensions of the previously open document and reverts to the default window size and positioning that Composer opens a document, the very first time it's run after installation.

    This last behaviour goes against that of most other text/HTML editors I have installed.

    Could you not tell Composer to open any Markdown document it doesn't recognise as having been open in Composer before to open with the same window dimensions and positioning as the last Composer document that was open (this will follow the exact same behaviour as observation 2).

    I really don't see the need for a windows management application here but I'm happy to take a look at Optimal Layout (I've tried others in the past and I've found them to be a resource hog).

  13. Support Staff 11 Posted by Fletcher on 12 May, 2013 11:17 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    You definitely should have led with this description…. ;) Now I understand you.

  14. 12 Posted by Jonathan Moore on 12 May, 2013 11:46 PM

    Jonathan Moore's Avatar

    Splendid! :)

    Just installed RC3 by the way and the other problem I reported (blank windows opening) appears to be fixed. And not sure if I'm imagining things here but the font rendering in the TOC palette appears to be be improved too.

  15. Support Staff 13 Posted by Fletcher on 13 May, 2013 12:32 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    The fonts in the TOC may or may not be improved. That code was compiled differently, but it wouldn't seem that should affect fonts. Who knows…

    Glad the blank windows are gone.


    Fletcher T. Penney
    Manager, Founder
    MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    [email blocked]

  16. Support Staff 14 Posted by Fletcher on 13 May, 2013 12:47 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    I was able to tweak the window position code so that if no position has been saved for a pre-existing file, it uses the default position.

    It will be in the next release.

    Thanks again,


    Fletcher T. Penney
    Manager, Founder
    MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    [email blocked]

    On May 12, 2013, at 8:31 PM, "Fletcher T. Penney" <[email blocked]> wrote:

    > The fonts in the TOC may or may not be improved. That code was compiled differently, but it wouldn't seem that should affect fonts. Who knows…
    > Glad the blank windows are gone.
    > F-
    > --
    > Fletcher T. Penney
    > Manager, Founder
    > MultiMarkdown Software, LLC
    > [email blocked]
    > On May 12, 2013, at 7:46 PM, "Jonathan Moore" <[email blocked]> wrote:

  17. 15 Posted by Jonathan Moore on 15 May, 2013 04:48 PM

    Jonathan Moore's Avatar

    Thanks for sorting this out. RC 4 is looking great from the small amount of testing I've given it. Having consistency for where the window opens is one of those little touches that makes all the difference.


  18. Support Staff 16 Posted by Fletcher on 15 May, 2013 04:50 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Glad it's working for you. And again, glad we got together on what was
    going on. :)


    Sent from my iPhone

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