App opening screen size

peterjohnanderson's Avatar


23 Jun, 2017 05:42 AM

Hi! I have just started using MultiMarkdown Composer and so far I am very pleased.

I do have one problem that I can't seem to resolve. When I open the app or open a new document from within the app I get a panel for the app that is only about a quarter the size of my screen (MacBook Air 13") - 970 px wide x 450 px deep. Is there any way that this can be changed? BBEdit, for example, opens using most of the screen "real estate".

Thanks in advance

UPDATE: I have just found the "Window -> Zoom" option. I would like MultiMarkdown Composer to open in the fully "zoomed" position.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 23 Jun, 2017 04:28 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Thanks for your support of MultiMarkdown Composer!!

    Composer keeps track of your preferred window size and reuses it the
    next time. Create a new document and make it whatever size you like.
    Close it to make sure the position is remembered. The next time you
    create a new window, the previous size will be used.

    Hope this helps!


    PS> If you're new to Composer, you may want to check out the beta for
    v3. It's got many improvements over v2, but isn't quite ready for sale.
      There will be more announcements regarding v3 in the next 2 weeks or so.

  2. Fletcher closed this discussion on 31 Aug, 2017 01:13 AM.

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