MultiMarkdown Converter Pro 1.4 fails to create ePub files
MMC Pro 1.4 does not create an epub file even though it says it did.
MMC Pro 1.4 does not create a complete LaTeX file even though the checkbox to do so is checked.
The multimarkdown 6.05 command line tool, coincidentally does not emit an epub file when tasked to do so, it emits an HTML file.
The multimarkdown 6.05 command line tool, coincidentally, does not emit a complete LateX file when tasked to do so.
Clearing settings and rebooting does not effect the MMC Pro problem. This happens both on El Capitan and Sierra.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 15 May, 2017 02:50 AM
Sorry you're having trouble -- sounds like there is something wrong with
the file or settings you're using, as I have not had trouble with
creating LaTeX/EPUB files and have not heard any other reports.
Can you send me:
1. The file(s) you're having trouble converting
2. A screenshot of the settings you're using in MMD Converter
3. A screenshot of the terminal command you tried that failed
4. A copy of the incorrect output (EPUB and LaTeX) that you received so
I can compare it to what I get
If you send that I'll take a look and try to track down the problem.
2 Posted by John Blommers on 18 May, 2017 04:58 AM
While I did email you the requested samples directly let me also include them here for your convenience, in archived form.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 18 May, 2017 10:47 AM
Thanks for sending the files -- I did not receive any other email from you, so not sure what happened there.
I can confirm there is something strange going on with EPUB output -- I am out of town for a couple of days but will fix it when I return and release an update. Thanks for pointing this out.
The file you sent doesn't have enough metadata to generate a working LaTeX file. At a minimum you need a valid
latex config
metadata (such asarticle
). has an example. You also need to be sure you have installed the latex support files line does create epubs --
is the easiest shortcut, but can also usemultimarkdown -b -t epub file.txt
. Epub is a binary file, not a text file, so you can't pipe the output. You have to use batch mode.Thanks again!
Support Staff 4 Posted by Fletcher on 24 May, 2017 08:05 PM
I'm back in town and working on the EPUB issue. I tracked down the issue (I think) -- long story short, EPUBs are created directly with the MMD library code(C), whereas other formats are returned as plain text and written to files from the application code (Objective-C).
Apparently the two routines are handled differently by the macOS Sandbox -- and apparently, the difference appears differently depending on exactly how the app was compiled.
I'm digging into it further, and hope to fix by later today or tomorrow.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Fletcher on 25 May, 2017 01:55 AM
I think I've got this fixed. It works on my machine, but then again, so did earlier versions.
1.0.5 has been submitted to the app store, and should be approved by tomorrow if not today.
Let me know if it doesn't work!!
6 Posted by John Blommers on 25 May, 2017 04:24 AM
The tips you shared educated me (for example to equate YAML with metadata) and made a bunch of things in MultiMarkdown6 work.
I'll look for the updated MultiMarkdown Converter Pro application in the Mac App Store and test it out when it drops.
- John
The words "trust" and "government" do not belong on the same page.
Support Staff 7 Posted by Fletcher on 25 May, 2017 06:48 PM
Converter 1.5 was approved on the App Store. It seems to work fine for me -- including EPUBs.
Let me know if you have any trouble, and thanks again for pointing this out!
8 Posted by John Blommers on 25 May, 2017 07:12 PM
Converter 1.05 produced an ePub on the first try.
And I see you've updated it with MultiMarkdown to version 6.07.
- John
The words "trust" and "government" do not belong on the same page.
Support Staff 9 Posted by Fletcher on 25 May, 2017 07:23 PM
Excellent -- thanks again, and apologies for the trouble you had!
Fletcher closed this discussion on 25 May, 2017 07:23 PM.
John Blommers re-opened this discussion on 25 May, 2017 08:00 PM
10 Posted by John Blommers on 25 May, 2017 08:00 PM
It's my pleasure to work with you. I'm a huge fan of Markdown tools and open source in general. Finding software issues and interacting with the developer to resolve them is enjoyable for me.
MultiMarkdown's raw speed is also quite impressive. Since you just updated MultiMarkdown to version 6.07 I cloned its source from your GitHub repository and compiled/installed it very easily and successfully on my Raspberry Pi 3. That is sweet code!
- John
The words "trust" and "government" do not belong on the same page.
Support Staff 11 Posted by Fletcher on 25 May, 2017 08:26 PM
I haven't gone back to do benchmark testing lately, but one of my goals in MMD v6 was performance. Commonmark managed to push the envelop quite a bit in that area, so I had something to shoot for.
Glad you have found MMD helpful, and I hear you about the open source community and interactions!
Fletcher closed this discussion on 25 May, 2017 08:26 PM.