=Expired= (again?) MultiMarkdown Composer Pro v3.0b49

mike+mmd's Avatar


16 Apr, 2017 09:53 AM

Admittedly frustrated, but I have spent the last hour trying to figure this out for myself. Unfortunately I am now convinced that I am unable to find any mention anywhere regarding a new version but b49 suddenly refused to open today and says "this beta version is expired, there is no updated version - please try again later".

I would appreciate a direct answer as to whether v3.0 has been abandoned essentially, I've been a die-hard follower of the beta for nearly two years and this isn't the first time the Pro (v3 beta) has suddenly hit a wall with no notice or help posted on the site.

Respectfully, Mido

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 16 Apr, 2017 02:04 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar


    Sorry you're frustrated -- as the message said, there was not a new version available when you ran Composer this morning. I thought I had a few more days before expiration and was trying to get some more work done before the next release. A new version is available now.

    As for posting additional help about this -- there's nothing to post. A new beta needs to be released, and you just need to wait for that to happen. Just as the message above says. The only person who can release an update is me.

    If you're interested in more information about the status of Composer v3 and beyond, I encourage you to join the mailing list:


    It's a very low frequency list -- I probably send out announcements 2-4 times a year, but when I do I include more detailed explanations of where things stand, and what is coming in the future.

    Composer is not abandoned -- it has been available (in beta form) for 2 years without anyone paying a single penny for it. I could have released it for sale a year ago, but I wasn't happy with the quality of the parts that can't be seen by others. So I spent the last year entirely rewriting MMD (into v6) so that it is faster, more accurate, and more flexible. I've rewritten an entirely new text processing engine that is more accurate, faster, and, oh yeah, cross-platform. ;) With the availability of MMD 6, I am better able to standardize the code in both my open-source and commercial products.

    I'm now in the process of wiring all the new components together, and connecting them to the other pieces that give Composer all of its functionality. The end result is even faster, more reliable, and more flexible then the current v3 beta. I can't promise a delivery date, however, but will announce more information when it's available.


  2. Fletcher closed this discussion on 16 Apr, 2017 02:04 PM.

  3. Fletcher re-opened this discussion on 16 Apr, 2017 02:04 PM

  4. Fletcher closed this discussion on 31 Aug, 2017 01:15 AM.

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