Converter not reading included Markdown files

tuxtlequino's Avatar


28 Mar, 2017 04:41 PM

I find it easier to keep a template file with the metadata I want and then include the markdown file with the information. This works well when using the `mmd2tex` command, but I find that if one does that with the "Converter" app, the included file is not added into the tex file. That means that one couldn't not even create the `MMD_USER_GUIDE` from the documentation because of its use of included files.

I also noticed that this is true in MMD Composer. I am just wondering if using {{}} is not something you were not planning on supporting and it is more of a hack.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 28 Mar, 2017 05:40 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Thanks for writing in!!

    Converter uses the same MultiMarkdown code that is available on Github:

    Converter version 1.0 and 1.0.1 use MMD version 6.0.0. (1.0.1 is available in App Store already).

    MMD version 6.0.1 was released this morning.

    Converter version 1.0.2 uses MMD version 6.0.1 (and also shows the MMD version number in the log box at application startup to make it easier to identify). 1.0.2 is awaiting App Store approval but should be available soon (by tomorrow, I hope).

    MMD 6.0.1 slightly changes the way transclusion search paths work, and fixes a small bug in some situations that use nested folders. But transclusion is a core feature of MMD, and therefore is supported in MMD Converter as well.

    MMD-6 has several resources for you to learn about what is different in v5 to v6. The QuickStart guide documents differences, including transclusion:

    The built-in test suite includes examples that are confirmed to work properly for each MMD release (also including the Transclusion test suite, which passes in MMD 6.0.1 AND Converter 1.0.2):

    Composer is a slightly different story -- editor windows are not necessarily tied to a file location on disk (if they haven't been saved yet, for example). If you save your file to disk, then you can use the "Transclude to new file" to perform the transclusion step and "compile" a next source document that includes all the linked files. For a variety of reasons, this is not performed automatically or as part of the Preview process. But file transclusion is supported in Composer, with these caveats. (Also remember that Composer is older and does not support MMD 6 yet. I am rewriting Composer to take advantage of new features in MMD 6, but it is going to take a while to get all of that working properly -- more to come later).

    Hope this helps explain things,


  2. 2 Posted by tuxtlequino on 28 Mar, 2017 06:26 PM

    tuxtlequino's Avatar

    I found the issue and it had nothing to do with you but like you said, the changes in Latex Config files. I am still wrapping my head around that and mourning the loss of `latex input` since my workflow used that extensively. I also now know what the "transclusion file" command does in MMD Composer. Mindblown!!!!!

    I am assuming that other Latex configuration files work such as:

    `Base Header Level: #`

    Thank you.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 28 Mar, 2017 06:39 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Just so everyone is using same terminology:

    `LaTeX Config` refers specifically to a metadata key that instructs MMD
    v6 to automatically `\input{}` 3 specific files.

    `Base Header Level` has nothing to do with LaTeX per se, but is a
    metadata key that instructs MMD to "shift" headers a certain number of
    levels up/down. Your use of `#` is actually incorrect. It should be a
    number, e.g. 1, 2. (or even 0, -1, etc.) This has not changed.

    `latex input` is not really "gone", but rather renamed to 3 specific
    variants described in QuickStart. It *will* require migrating old
    files, but once done, it will be much easier to use, and easier for
    novice MMD/LaTeX users as well. I think it's worth the effort,
    especially now that one can specify which latex files to use with a
    single metadata "command".


  4. Fletcher closed this discussion on 31 Aug, 2017 01:17 AM.

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