Known Problems with MultiMarkdown Composer 2.0
I will try to fix all known problems as quickly as possible, but please keep in mind that there will be a delay between submitting an update and getting it approved. I'll try to track all known issues here, as well as suggested fixes when possible.
Known issues in version 2.0
bold/italics using the "_" marker instead of "*" are not properly affected by style sheets --- Fixed in 2.1
Composer can crash at startup if you don't have Palatino font installed. --- Fixed in 2.1, but see this page for a way to fix it now.
One user has reported crashes/spinning beach ball if the left/right padding is set to 0 in the preferences. --- Fixed in 2.1
When a file is Auto Saved for the first time, it's position on screen may "shift". --- Fixed in 2.1
One user reports that the "Save" menu item is grayed out when Auto Save is disabled. I was finally able to replicate this (I think). Not sure why it was happening, but I forced a fix. --- Fixed in 2.1
If you set the maximum full screen width to 0, Composer doesn't like that. Not sure why one would do this, but apparently people try it. Now it uses a width of 5 if instead of 0 in the next release. It won't crash, but I still don't know why one would want to do this. ;) --- Fixed in 2.1
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Fletcher closed this discussion on 09 May, 2013 07:03 PM.