displaying images with a filename with more than one word

vwc's Avatar


26 Aug, 2016 10:41 AM

I would like to image links to images in a file generated with MMC 3.0b46.

If the image file has a file name of one word, the image displays as expected:

![MultiMarkDown Composer](mmc.png)

But if the image file contains more than one word, the image file will not display, even if the file name is put in quotes:

![MMC Preferences Screen](mmc preferences screen.png)

![MMC Preferences Screen]("mmc preferences screen.png")

![MMC Preferences Screen]('mmc preferences screen.png')


![XXXMMC]: mmc preferences screen.png

![XXXMMC]: "mmc preferences screen.png"

The screen shot displays what the preview window in MMC shows.

Is there a way of displaying multi-word filenames or have I entered the syntax in correctly?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 30 Aug, 2016 05:23 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Sorry for the delay -- busy few days here.

    Spaces are not allowed in URLs(e.g. 'http://test.com/some page' is not

    If you want to use spaces, you need to use the substitution "%20"
    instead (e.g. 'http://test.com/some%20page')

    If you want more information on making URLs "safe", there is information


    If you're using Composer, then you can also just drag the image to the
    document, and Composer will perform the changes for you.


  2. 2 Posted by vwc on 31 Aug, 2016 03:03 PM

    vwc's Avatar

    Thank you very much for the helpful information.

    As you write, much easier with Composer, and to drag the image...

  3. Fletcher closed this discussion on 17 Jul, 2017 07:04 PM.

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