GitHub Task to HTML = don't render correctly in MMD

_patrickwelker's Avatar


26 Oct, 2014 07:17 PM

First of all… I love MultiMarkdown… it's my personal "standard/common" Markdown ◕‿↼.
That said, I found something and I'm curious what you have to say about it, Fletcher.

MultiMarkdown renders task lists formatted with the GitHub syntax without a space between the "checkbox" and the inline Markdown link title, hence malformatting the link.


    - [ ] [Title 1](#)
    - [ ] [Title 2](#)

HTML Output:

    <li>[ ][Title 1](#)</li>
    <li>[ ][Title 2](#)</li>

I write all my stuff in MultiMarkdown, just recently I converted all my lists to GitHub task lists, but wasn't aware that MMD breaks them. (It's the only thing where I'm cheating a bit on MMD)

Is this not supported or just a bug? I know MultiMarkdown has a ton of bibliography features so I guess they are the culprit so to speak.
It would be nice to know if I should switch to another Markdown flavour for my lists or if this could/will get fixed.

This problem was also mention on the [Marked forum](

Complete example for reference:

![marked github tasks](

Here's the example file:

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 26 Oct, 2014 07:21 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    MultiMarkdown has no concept of "Task lists" or checkboxes. It's something I mentioned as an idea years before github, but to date it's not part of MultiMarkdown.

    It's not high on my list of priorities, but might be considered for a future release of MMD in the future.

  2. 2 Posted by _patrickwelker on 26 Oct, 2014 07:43 PM

    _patrickwelker's Avatar

    Thanks for considering it. I know it only looks like a simple bit of syntax, but I can image there are boulders to move behind the scenes to get something like `- [ ] [title](link)` rendered properly with all the other features.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 27 Oct, 2014 11:03 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    The main problem I foresee is that [foo] [x] is a valid link, as is [foo][x] and [foo] and [ ] [foo]. So it might be tricky to disambiguate....

    But, like I said, this is behind a bunch of other things on my priority list. No promises on when it might happen.

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