Weird MathJax problems
I've just started to use DecksetApp to make my class slides (obviously I'm editing with MMD Composer). I've noticed that some equations don't work in Composer but DO in Deckset. To me they seem random. I've attached the output PDF from both programs and the source file.
BTW, I've used this program since it was first released. It's great. However, is there any plans for updates? Specifically, I would love to see support for eps format.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 20 Oct, 2014 07:21 PM
What you're using for math is not MultiMarkdown. If you're having trouble getting MathJax to work, you'll have to take that up with the MathJax folks. Composer doesn't do anything special with MathJax -- that's all handled by WebKit and requires a functional MathJax installation somewhere. I can't troubleshoot MathJax for you, unfortunately.
Composer is constantly under development. As for eps, it's not a file format I have any use for. You're best bet is to look into LaTeX->eps workflows if that is important to you. (People still use eps files?? ;)
2 Posted by Benny Smith on 20 Oct, 2014 07:31 PM
Hey Fletcher,
I want to specific about the MathJax issue. It works fine in DecksetApp — which also uses the Mathjax install — it is something specific to Composer. Yes, people use lots of EPS. It is the vector format that is best suited to export graphs out of R or Mathematica. I do work on my academic papers in LaTeX; I’m trying to be faster with slides for class using Composer.
Ben O. Smith, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Graduate Faculty
Department of Economics
College of Business Administration
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 20 Oct, 2014 08:05 PM
Composer doesn't do anything with MathJax. It's simply a javascript that runs using the HTML content of the web page as input. All of this is handled using Apple's WebKit.
What you're using for math is not MultiMarkdown. If MathJax is not working, you have to figure out why. It's not a MultiMarkdown or Composer problem, it's a matter of using the "wrong" input for the tool being used.
Whenever something doesn't work, the best place to start is to look at what you did get (the HTML). Since you didn't use MultiMarkdown's math syntax, it's processed as text. This includes smart quotes being converted to appropriate entities, which is probably breaking your "math" (that isn't really math). If you switch to use appropriate math syntax, it should work just fine.
You can learn more about MMD's math support in the User's Guide: