MMD2.1b crashing when I turn on preview and there is a footnote in the table caption

Birger Ekornåsvåg Helgestad's Avatar

Birger Ekornåsvåg Helgestad

02 Apr, 2013 01:20 PM

I have been trying to include a footnote in the caption of a table. Without the footnote everything works fine, but when the footnote is included and I turn on preview, MMD2.1b crashes. I have added the footnote liks this:

BCE south Mesopotamia north Mesopotamia Iran Anatolia
5,000 Ubaid ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ
2,000 Isin-Larsa ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ


[^chronologycap]: This table is a collation of other published chronologies, and it is not based on original research by the author

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 03 Apr, 2013 12:28 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    That is not valid MMD, so it's not surprising that the document doesn't work.

    It causes MultiMarkdown to crash, which in turn causes Composer to crash if the preview is enabled.

    I'll add this to the tracking list for MultiMarkdown, but can't promise when I can get to it.

  2. Fletcher closed this discussion on 03 Apr, 2013 12:28 AM.

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