Exporting to PDF

brandon's Avatar


28 Mar, 2013 11:36 PM

I really enjoy using MultiMarkDown, up until I want to export my document to PDF.

Here are my issues concerning PDF exports:

  1. Tables are inconsistent, borders disappear, and my "preview" CSS styles are lost completely (for example row stripes).
  2. The body fonts get pretty jagged. I am just using Arial, and when the PDF is viewed at 100% the font looks a little jagged. When you zoom in at 200% plus it looks fine.
  3. Page breaks splits text in half.

I am still pretty new to markdown, and it is possible I am missing something here, or perhaps need to modify my style - so any guidance would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 28 Mar, 2013 11:51 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar
    1. Did you turn on the "Include Preview CSS when exporting to HTML" option?

    2. PDF's created with Composer are vector documents, not bitmapped. If you have quality fonts installed, they will look exactly as they are rendered by your machine. If you have problematic fonts, you will have to troubleshoot that on your machine.

    3. CSS has optional rules to customize how text and other elements react to page breaks if you want to modify things. Google has a lot of information about CSS (esp. CSS 3). You can also look at the eBook style sheet included in the 2.1 beta that adds a lot of features specifically for ePub export, and "eBook-styled" PDFs.

    Hope this helps!


  2. Fletcher closed this discussion on 28 Mar, 2013 11:51 PM.

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