Problems with Share and Preview

enrico.scarpella's Avatar


08 Oct, 2018 04:17 AM

Dear Fletcher,

I usually work in the Editor with no Preview (i.e. Display Preview is unchecked in Settings > Preview); however, when I tap on Share, the Share Sheet fails to appear and instead the view changes from Editor only to a split view with the Editor to the left and the Preview to the right. If I tap on Share again, the view changes to Preview only, but no Share Sheet appears, and only if I tap on it one more time, I can finally see the Share Sheet.

On a somewhat related note, the Preview to the right of the split view that appears when I tap on Share from the Editor view is correct, but the one that appears when I tap on Share from the split view screen is not: for example, quotation marks are turned into â€.

Thank you.

Best regards,

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 30 Nov, 2018 03:07 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    Things change slightly in latest release, but generally this is still true:

    Tapping the Share button, the preview is enabled because an active HTML
    view is needed for certain types of sharing. A 2 second delay is used
    to give the preview time to load.

    Tapping the button repeatedly doesn't actually do anything. It just
    takes time for the quick look sheet to appear.


  2. 2 Posted by enrico.scarpell... on 01 Dec, 2018 01:12 AM

    enrico.scarpella's Avatar

    Thank you for the clarification, Fletcher.

    I tested the Share Sheet with a ~10,000-word file. No appreciable delay if I select Share HTML, Share PDF or Send as Rich Email; however, if I select Share Other File Formats, it takes ~1 min (53 seconds to be precise) to show the first option (ePUB). Is this normal? Thank you for your consideration.

    Best regards,

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fletcher on 01 Dec, 2018 01:19 AM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    The Other Formats option prepares all of the formats that are not
    individually available. So, depending on your settings, it may be
    processing the file 9+ times, and some of the formats may be more time
    consuming than others.

    I have an 8k word file that is pretty basic. It takes 19 seconds to
    create the 9 documents in "Other" (excluding HTML and PDF in my settings).

    You could enable each format individually in Sharing Prefs, and then
    test them one at a time to see which is the most time consuming for your
    particular format.


  4. 4 Posted by enrico.scarpell... on 01 Dec, 2018 05:15 AM

    enrico.scarpella's Avatar

    Thank you very much, Fletcher.

    I enabled all the file formats in the Sharing Preferences and tried to share the same ~10,000-word file in each of the file formats. Now, (1) the screen splits and the preview never appears, no matter in which file format I decide to share my file; (2) the sharing is instantaneous.

    The only exception to the above is when I select the Other File Formats, which, even though I had enabled all the file formats in the Sharing Preferences, still appears in the Share Sheet menu. Upon selection of the Other File Formats option, the screen splits, the preview appears, and I am left hanging for about 1 minute before a pdf of the file as per my Theme (no CSS applied) appears. So now I have figured out which format conversion takes so long. Though I don't understand why it should be necessary to generate a preview in order to convert in such pdf format — given that it looks like my Theme, not like the preview — I like the possibility to generate a pdf of the file with my Theme applied. I never tought it would be possible, and I will try to locate the same fuction in my MMDC for Mac.

    Thank you very much again.

    Best regards,

  5. 5 Posted by enrico.scarpell... on 01 Dec, 2018 05:19 AM

    enrico.scarpella's Avatar

    Now, (1) the screen splits and the preview never appears

    Sorry, I meant the screen never splits and the preview never appear. My apologies for the confusion.

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Fletcher on 01 Dec, 2018 02:12 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    1) The preview will need to appear for certain formats, but i have not
    yet gone back to verify which formats require it (it is likely only the
    HTML->PDF output -- iOS requires a visible WebView to "print" to a PDF
    properly to include images and certain scripts, such as MathJax.)

    2) Interesting that the editor->PDF is so slow. That one doesn't
    require the preview, but making the preview visible is left over from
    the old sharing code. Once I verify for certain which formats require
    it, I'll tweak the code. I'll also see if there is a way to speed up
    that particular format, or perhaps I will force it to be treated
    separately, since it will rarely be used by most people.

    3) As for macOS, if you Print, it uses the syntax highlighting. You can
    also, "Copy as Rich Text" from the editor to do the same thing (assuming
    you paste it into an appropriate app, such as TextEdit). You can copy
    from the preview to copy the result as "rich text."


  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Fletcher on 01 Dec, 2018 02:13 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    I assumed as much. ;)


  8. Support Staff 8 Posted by Fletcher on 01 Dec, 2018 04:31 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    I tweaked the next build to handle this differently. Should be released for testing in the next day or two.

    Thanks again!!


  9. Fletcher closed this discussion on 01 Dec, 2018 04:31 PM.

  10. enrico.scarpella re-opened this discussion on 06 Dec, 2018 08:47 PM

  11. 9 Posted by enrico.scarpell... on 06 Dec, 2018 08:47 PM

    enrico.scarpella's Avatar

    Dear Fletcher,

    Thank you very much for the clarifications and for taking my feedback into account while preparing the next release — looking forward to testing it!

    Thank you very much also for all the tips on how to print a document with syntax highlighted from the MacOS version of your software.

    Best regards,

  12. Fletcher closed this discussion on 06 Dec, 2018 09:28 PM.

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