Color of footnote text

self's Avatar


17 Jul, 2014 06:07 PM

This is a nit, but I've been playing with the style sheets, and I can't figure out what property controls the display color of the text between markup brackets, such as the text within footnote markup in the composer window. E.g., [^ this is the color I'm trying to adjust]. I know it's adjustable because the Pretentious-Dark style sheet turns them a pale yellow. But I've been through that sheet and several others and just can't find the key. (I don't see it in the documentation either, although it's probably there.)

Obviously not urgent! Thanks for whatever help you can offer.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fletcher on 17 Jul, 2014 06:16 PM

    Fletcher's Avatar

    All of the "link"-ish elements use the same color -- links, footnotes,
    citations, labels, etc. :

         link = {
             // backgroundColor = 3ffafac2;
             foregroundColor = fafac2;


  2. 2 Posted by self on 17 Jul, 2014 06:24 PM

    self's Avatar

    Fast and helpful, as always. Thank you, sir!

  3. Fletcher closed this discussion on 05 Aug, 2014 05:05 PM.

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